Ladies Bible Study- Monday at 6:00 PM. “Jonah Navigating a Life Interrupted”. Meet in the Student Chapel.

Bottles for Babies- Pick up a baby bottle in the foyer help support the CARE Pregnancy Center. Turn the filled bottle back to the church.

 Women’s Conference – UNASHAMED Women’s Conference (Strengthening Warrior Women for Christ) in Waco, TX 9/13-9/15.   See Angela Norton for details (318) 469-0647

Gym Walkers meet every Monday and Thursday at 9:30. Everyone is invited to join in.

 Ladies Game Day- Every Thursday @ 11:00. Bring a sack lunch and come join the fun.

 Youth Camp Information:

Tuesday Hangouts- Jr/High Students- June 18th 9:30-Noon. Basketball, Volleyball, Board Games, Devotion and Free Lunch.

 Jr. High Game Night- July 13th 6-8 PM at The Cowan’s Home. See Brandon for more info.

 YOUTH FUGE CAMP - Summer Camp July 15th-20th @ Union University Jackson, TN. for 6th-12th. Cost $300/ student. See Kevin for details.